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Reserving Actuary

Date Posted
24th January 2024
General Insurance
Job Type
Excellent Benefits
£110,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: Reserving Actuary

Goodman Masson is working with a Lloyd's Syndicate who is searching for a nearly/newly qualified actuary to join in a projects-focused role.

Your role will involve modernising their actuarial reserving process using SQL and Python. You will also be working alongside the reinsurance team to improve the RI reserving assumptions process and insights. In addition to this, you will also have ownership of specific lines of business from a reserving perspective.

Because of the project's focused role, you will work closely with the Chief Actuary and other senior stakeholders across actuarial and the wider business.

The ideal candidate will have strong Reserving knowledge from a Lloyd's or London Market background. Knowledge of ResQ, SQL and Python are all beneficial.

If you'd like to find out more, get in touch:

E -

T - 0207 324 0568

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