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Pensions Redress Consultant /Consultant Actuary

Date Posted
23rd July 2021
Management Consultancy, Pensions
Job Type
Work From Home Base
Commensurate With Experience

Job Description Apply: Pensions Redress Consultant /Consultant Actuary

Purpose of the Role

Working as part of the OAC Redress Solutions team to deliver a range of services in relation to redress including the preparation of redress calculations and advising clients on issues relating to redress.  The position would enable the candidate to work on a wide range of redress calculations (including, but not limited to transfer loss assessment) as well as expert witness work and work in relation to pensions on divorce. In addition to preparing calculations, the candidate would have the opportunity to take on a wider consultancy role including client management, business development, and attending meetings.

Technical Knowledge and Experience

  • Experience of working on UK Defined Benefit Pension schemes including a detailed understanding of the legislative background to these schemes.
  • Some experience and knowledge of the wider Pensions industry including Money Purchase Schemes, Personal Pension and FSAVC products, the State Pension and other personal investment-related products.
  • Experience in preparing individual member calculations (for example CETV calculations or pension quotations); carrying out benefit audits or preparing redress calculations.
  • Experience in dealing with clients – for example through face-to-face meetings, or via phone or email.
  • Use of Microsoft Excel and Word.
  • Ideally a fully or part-qualified actuary or someone with a PMI or CII qualification.


Main Responsibilities

To deal with each stage of a redress calculation including:

  • initial review of the paperwork to assess the circumstances of the case
  • identification and implementation of any necessary data gathering
  • use of bespoke software to determine the compensation payment
  • preparation of the client report.


To liaise effectively with clients, as well as with investors and third parties.

To manage client relationships and expectations and project deliveries.

Contact Frances Smythe at

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