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ALM Insurance Investments Actuary

Date Posted
16th September 2020
Investment, Risk Management
Job Type
London or Scotland (Very Flexible Working Arrangements Available)
Plus Excellent Bonus
£75,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: ALM Insurance Investments Actuary

A unique opportunity has arisen for an Insurance Investments ALM Actuary or Asset Liability Management specialist to work across the insurance sector in a highly successful and growing team. You will work on a variety of innovative projects which will include developing "Responsible Investment" and "Investment Risk Management" propositions. You will also be involved in working closely with asset managers in addition to insurers and will be keen to broaden your experience.

Experience in areas such as credit risk (or of working with credit rating agencies) or of working with ESG's would be desirable (although not essential).

Please contact Bradley Grant to discuss further:

E - 

T - 078 9063 0170

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