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Actuarial Risk Director-Internal Model Validation

Date Posted
9th August 2023
Job Type
Plus Bonus and Relocation
$220,000 to $240,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: Actuarial Risk Director-Internal Model Validation

A Senior Actuarial Risk Director role has arisen for a senior Life insurance actuary in Bermuda with a prestigious company in the life (re)insurance sector. This would best suit a senior life insurance actuary with excellent exposure to having worked across risk functions before on a wide range of actuarial topics, including namely having had some strong internal model validation or first line development, model calibration and / or implementation experience. Market risk experience in particular with a strong asset focused background would be very attractive. Your role would involve being responsible for developing best practices, assessment of capital requirements and risk aggregating processes.

This role is pitched at a qualified actuary level with a number of years PQE and with experience of influencing C-suite individuals.

Please email or call Bradley Grant to discuss this further:

E -

T - +44 (0)207 019 8869

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